Wednesday 1 June 2011

Compare and Contrast Gittoes and Banksy

George Gittoes
Discuss the similarities and differences between their choice of medium:
Banksy chooses to spray paint the majority of his art on the wall where the conflict in question is actually happening. For example rather then stencil his message of escapism from the conflict in Israel on an insignificant wall in London, he goes to the scene of the conflict and puts his message in context. That way the conceptual aligns with the physical.
George Gittoes visits the war zones and areas of extreme conflict and documents his experiences with ink, pencil and film. He then attempts to find the best possible medium to communicate the message and resolves his art in one of his many studios. This is a practicality I suppose. And this is why Banksy stencils his art. He can prepare the stencil before hand and take minimal time to spray it onto the wall to avoid getting caught. Banksy puts his art in the face of people whereas Gittoes brings his art back and puts it in places where people have to make a decision to view it. Gittoes once said that the introduction of tv's into peoples lives changed the way they viewed war forever. With tv's though they could turn the conflict off. He paints because you can't turn it off, it can't be ignored.

Which artists approach do you think is more effective as a tool for comminication?
Because Banksy's graffitti has become so famous, it's kind of a double edged sword. More people see his art but because he has become so famous the moral of the art is desensatised and secondary to his fame and society's fascination with celebrity. In a way Banksy has become victim to the very capitalists, consumeristic views he is out to deter. His art can now be compared with Andy Warhols Marilyn prints. Andy Warhol presented Marilyn as a consumer product. I know this isn't what banksy is out to achieve but in a way it is what he has created. Yes more everyday people can see and access his art but are they really seeing it for the messages Banksy is trying to communicate or merely seeing it to see the product of a celebrity?
In this sense George Gittoes art is a more effective tool for communication. There is alot more choice in where Gittoes displays his work.

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