Wednesday 1 June 2011

Floating Land Excursion

Wendy McGrath “Red Shoes - the next wave”
This work is about the politicising of “land” and “water”, two elements of the Earth and how they become a social and environmental issue and political “football”. Whether through immigration or as a result of climate change and consequent rising sea levels, increasing population will affect our cultures and our use of water in all its forms.

Elizabeth Poole “Warning Bells”
The shiny, noisy Warning Bells is an attempt to send out a wake-up call about irresponsible and complacent attitueds, wasting resources and the damage being done to the environment by the excessive use of plastic bottles polluting and going into land fill

Corrie Wright - “Surge”
Surge is intended to be a series of experiences that expand over time and aim to generate community conversations and questions. A healthy debate about bottled water is a common factor, but does it really change how we behave?

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